fishing    Being Dad       GACover Fishers of Men



Lets face it. Ministry to men is not easy. Like trying to herd cats. We need as many resources and ideas and support as we can get.

With over 6,000 churches in the state and very few of them having an effective men's ministry, the need is great. Many of the churches that have a few men meeting together have no larger vision and feel a certain isolation that comes from the separated nature of todays denominational culture. We want to begin to build a statewide network of men's ministry leaders.

Envision a day where there are ministry "Outposts" across the state that are each mentoring and supporting the churches in their area to reach the men of their congregations. Envision a day where men travel between churches to support their brothers at a ministry event they've organized.

The driving force behind the Maryland Coalition of Men's Ministries is Jesus in the hearts of men. Nothing more, nothing less. Not that I have an exclusive connection with Him but I do have a new life, a new family and a new purpose - something I could not have imagined even 7 years ago. My hearts desire is to be used by God in helping other men find what their life has been missing.

I am 52 years old, married to a wonderful woman and proud step-father to 2 great kids in their early-mid 20's. I am a self-employed biochemist (Virusys Corporation), I love to read, hike, camp and travel. Since I accepted Christ as my Savior, my wifes faith has blossomed, my marriage has become everything I wished it could be, several members of our family have found their faith and I have found a purpose and passion that far exceeds anything this world could ever offer. It is truly a wonderful life! 


I feel I am being called by God to work with leaders of men in full time ministry as a Christian men’s ministry consultant but I don't know when or how to go about leaving my current vocation.  I have a 12 yr old son, a 7 yr old daughter, and a more than full time vocation I was unmistakably called to by God for this current time working with Dept of Defense and Intelligence Community on mission execution and information management systems creating knowledge that, hopefully, saves lives of our troops in harms way protecting the Liberty and Freedom God wants us all to enjoy.  God has richly blessed me with a beautiful wife, these two children, as well as educational and job opportunities I could only have dreamed of as a lower middle class child raised on a farm in rural Texas.  I don't believe God is done with me in my current vocation just yet, but I feel that time may be coming within the next few years.  I don't know how to make the transition, but I believe God will make it clear when that time is right.  


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" We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations. "

Charles R. Swindoll



I am Second